Ok start with your last Pick 3 draw; we will use 797 on 1/2/06 of our history file. Then make a grid and place the 797 diagonally in it.
Starting with the box above the number in the far lower right, put the next digit higher…in this case it would be 8
Continue around the grid in a counter-clock wise direction filling in the empty spaces with the next highest number until all of the spaces have been filled.
Now look at the numbers in the grid and do a simple across and down pull for the numbers.
712, 093, 987, 709, 198, 237, 299
Find the numbers that are missing. In this case it would be numbers 4, 5 and 6. Now, make pairs out of these numbers (45, 46, 56) and Pair them with the actual numbers from the last draw. Note that if only two numbers are missing then you only have one pair to work with. If only one number is missing then use that number as a double number.
In this example 797 was the last draw so you match up the pairs to the 7 and 9
745, 746, 756, 945, 946, 956, 745, 746, 756
Eliminate the repeats leaving, 745, 746, 756, 945, 946, 956
Now look at the numbers in the grid and do a simple pull for the numbers given.
712, 093, 987, 709, 198, 237, 299
Now add these missing paired numbers to the numbers from the simple pull you did above and you now have the following combinations to play.
712, 093, 987, 709, 198, 237, 299
745, 746, 756, 945, 946, 956
The next day 1/03/06 the 327 Hit
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