Doubles on a Budget

This is a great trapping method, meaning you set it up and wait for the Pick 3 lottery numbers to step in to the trap.

Start by tracking the last two weeks of Pick 3 numbers. Within that range of numbers look for how many times pairs repeat. You are looking for a pair set to repeat itself three or more times.

Look at our example data below.

Within this data set the 46 pair came up 3 times. So you would play it as doubles. 664 or 446. You’ll notice that on 1/29 the 464 hit.

A good point to this is that you only have to play a few Pick 3 numbers and sometimes none at all when pairs don’t show three plus times in your data set.

Note that the 93 pair also showed over three times in this set, so you would want to cover that too.

Another idea is to track your front and back pairs for three months and play the hottest of those as doubles.

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