
There are several methods for setting up the Pyramid Pick 3 lottery system.

The first method is to use one month from the year before. For example, if you were in Feb. 07, you would be looking for Feb. 06 numbers to get your numbers to track.The Next would be to use the month prior. For example, if you are looking for the numbers for Feb. then use Jan.’s numbers.

Once you determine which set you are going to use, track them by totaling how many times each number hits in a given month.

In the following chart, we are using our sample history file.

Number of Hits Per Digit


List the numbers from highest hitting to lowest.
Now put the numbers into a Pyramid. From Hottest on the top, then down and left to right till you get to the coldest in the bottom right.

Now get your combinations out of the pyramid by making smaller pyramids.
345, 467, 579, 680, 702, 921, 381, 482,
501, 457, 670, 792, 369


Within 3 days of this example 381 HIT box as 183 on 2/3/06.

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By | May 15th, 2009|Pyramids, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Weighty Digits

Weighty Digits gives extra weight to the digits that hit the most regardless of position, while allowing you to play all Pick 3 digits at least once dramatically increasing your odds.

Start by tracking the last 20 draws.

You are looking for how many times each Pick 3 digit has appeared in all positions.


Arrange the numbers from Highest to Lowest


Now take the numbers in their new sorted order (high to low) and assign them a Position Value. Use the following sequences to order the HOT and COLD numbers and get your new combinations to play.


Using our Foundation history we can see that the 436 hit box within the next week.



You can change this system up to track only a week or 10, 21 or even 30 days.

Change up the amount of numbers you look for:
2 combinations: ABC-CDE
5 combinations: ABC-ABD-ACD-BCD-CDE
10 combinations, box A-C-D-E-H or A-B-C-D-E
20 combinations, box A-C-D-E-H-J

Try reversing the order of the HOTTEST numbers. Putting A last, instead of first.

Play with it until you find what works best for your states game.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Uncategorized, Weighty Digits|16 Comments

Sums Root Chart

This can be used as a continuation of Edge18 SUM ROOTS and BASE ROOTS or on its own.

To start with look at the sums chart found in the Foundation section (and below)


Track only the 10 to 18 SUMs (highlighted in green) Close to 90% of all your number hit in this area, so its mainly a time saver not having to keep track of the others.

Now using your history file, track the sums and Mark off each of those SUMs when they hit (represented below using the gray boxes)


At the bottom of the tracking sheet count the number of times each of the SUM totals hit. In the chart above you will notice that SUM 15, SUM 16 & SUM 18 all only hit once. Having more numbers then SUM 18, SUM 15&16 are favored more likely to hit. Then the fact that SUM 15 is more due (last hit farther back then SUM 16) makes SUM 15 the HOTTEST SUM TO TRACK.

Now using your favorite method, simply eliminate all of the options that do not have a 15 SUM. Or if you feel the 15 SUM is going to hit, play all the options.

6- Way Box
069 078 159 168 249 258 267 348 357 456

3-Way Box
177 339 366 447


Using the History file, SUM 15 hit 2 days later.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Sums Root Chart, Uncategorized|4 Comments


Ideally you would want to track up to three months for this method.

When we talk about SUMs we are referring to the total off all the digits in a PICK3 number when added together. A SUMS chart is found in the Foundations section and in Edge 19 (Next).

Example of a SUM: Using PICK3 number 638 6+3+8 = 17SUM

Pretty easy.

Now the SUM ROOT (ROOT) is the SUM added together.

Example of a ROOT: Using SUM 17, 1+7 = 8ROOT

Again pretty simple right?
Now the BASE ROOT is found by just taking the last digit of the ROOT

Example of a BASE ROOT: Using SUM 17, 7 is the last digit so BASE ROOT =7
Here are all 10 BASE ROOTs:

ROW-0.…. 019-028-037-046-127-136-145-235-389-479-569

ROW-1….. 029-038-047-056-128-137-146-236-245-489-579


ROW-3….. 012-049-058-067-139-148-157-238-247-256-346







If the SUM ROOT were only 1 number, that would also be considered the BASE ROOT. Of course there are some times when you get SUM ROOTS that add up to a 2 digit number in that case you will simply remove the first digit in the result.
Example Using SUM 19, 1+9 = 10 (taking off the first digit leaves BASE ROOT 0)

Now lets use our month history chart and insert the SUMS, ROOTS and BASE ROOTS

Once you have this information study it carefully for the following patterns.

First look for Repeating ROOTs,  if you notice in the following graph original ROOTs in the 3-5 range when they hit will usually repeat.


Just by looking at the pattern alone we can see that the next time a ROOT SUM hits in that 3-5 range we should see a repeat within the next draw or two.

In fact the next time ROOT 3 hit on 2/3 it repeated on 2/4!

Next, look at the BASE ROOTS and study the Graph on that. You will notice the same pattern of repeats.


However more impressive is to look at the SUM ROOTs and BASE ROOT charts on top of each other. Here you will notice not only the repeating patterns but that ROOTS and BASE ROOTS are only within a digit or two of each other.


Wait until you see a deviance from the 1 digit off pattern then you are clear for a while.
The key here is to find the patterns and if they are prime, use this as a filter for your final number selections.

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By | May 14th, 2009|SUM ROOTS and BASE ROOTS, Uncategorized|12 Comments

Hot and Cold

Tracking the HOT and COLD of the Pick 3 lottery is the most basic method for determining which Pick 3 digits should be played together.

First start with a history of at least 20 days. (Shown in light green)

Now count how many times each number came up for each column. The terms are used interchangeably as either Positions, Columns or Digits


Charting Hot and Cold
So as you can see, Number 3 came up 4 times in the Column 1. Now once all of these are counted you can also generate a graph (whether using a spreadsheet application or graph paper) that helps you see when the numbers are falling in the Pick 3.



Viewing them all together (probably the easiest to see) you get:

Sorted by hits in the last 20 days gives you.


Now your top 5 in this last sorted graph are your Hot numbers and the Bottom 5 are the cold numbers.
Again look to the Pick 3 history file and order the hits per column that have come up starting with the most recent to the farthest.


You can take it a step further by creating a new column on the left and assign each of the numbers a value or multiplier based on how far back they fell.


Example: You would assign 3, the value of 1, 3 and 8. Because it came up in numbers 539, 423 and 364.

Any numbers in 539 are assigned a value of 8
Any numbers in 423 are assigned a value of 3
Any numbers in 364 are assigned a value of 1
Add up the values and you get a value for 3 = 12 (Adding values 8+3+1)

When you do this for each of the numbers you get:

Then sort the numbers from high to low, the high being the Hot numbers and the low being the Cold.hot17

Pull your combinations.
175, 759, 803, 182, 824, 706, 936, 364


There were two HITs in the next 5 days Pick 3 lottery using only those 8 combinations.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Hot and Cold, Uncategorized|9 Comments

Repeating Number

The basic rule says that 1 numbers frequently repeats from the previous nights draw. From tracking the history file below we see that’s basically reliable.


Now, a closer look into the system shows that there is another pattern you can use to narrow the numbers down further.

Look at the history file and use the last number to hit, 158 (1/30/06)
Break the number up into its individual numbers and columns

ONLY look for the First position number to repeat in the First or Second position


ONLY look for the Second position number to repeat in the First, Second or Third position.


ONLY look for the Third position number to repeat in the Second or Third position.


Now if we look at the history file we notice that from where we left off tracking both 8 repeated from the Position3 to position2 and 5 repeated from Position2 to Position1on 1/30 – 1/31


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By | May 14th, 2009|Repeating Number, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Zig-Zag Patterns

Here is an alternate way of looking for repeating patterns in the Pick 3 Lottery. Typically, you would look for repeating patterns of 4+ numbers with the same characteristics (i.e. odds, evens, high lows or HELO’s as they are called as in the example below) in the same position ( tracking by column).
Typical 4+ High/Low Even/Odd tracking chart for Pick 3 lottery

h = high number (56789)
l = low number (01234)
o = odd number
e = even number


4+ low numbers in a row shown in red

However, a more unknown way to track is to look for Pick 3 lottery patterns that Zig-Zag. You will notice that they follow the same criteria as the straight patterns and can be ripe for a hit when the straight patterns are cold.


Zig-Zag patterns have to follow a left or right movement.

They can start in the middle column, but must move to the end columns from that point.

Now looking at the available patterns involving the High Low & Even Odd we know that you can have the following 64 options (listed below) and as with the Straight patterns, the Zig-Zags, once determined can cut the available options down by half (or 32 possible HELO’s).



These are obviously to be used with another system. They are an excellent filter when you are trying to determine the position of a straight play. Or when you just need the reassurance that an all even, all odd, all high, or all low combinations is due or not.

The following Draw (2/1) the 3 in the first Hit as Low Odd.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Uncategorized, Zig-Zag Patterns|3 Comments

Numbering Points

More of a Pick 3 lottery strategy then a Pick 3 lottery system, numbering points allows you to determine not only the hot and cold numbers, but also keep track of the hot and cold column location for the numbers.

Start by looking at the last 20 numbers that hit in your states Pick 3 Lottery.
1) If the number appears in the first column then give it 3 points
2) If the number appears in the second column then give it 2 points
3) If the number appears in the third column then give it 1 point

Let look at the example below

In the example above you would start by counting up all the times the zero (0) digit hit in the first column. We find that it hit twice (2 times). When a number hits in the first column, its worth 3 points, so you would multiply the 2 hits times 3. (2×3=6). The value of 0 in the first column is 6 points. Pretty easy. Now, do the same for the rest of the numbers in each of the column.

Below is the table showing the results from the history file above.



The digit 3, in terms of value, is a HOT digit scoring 15 points. However it is cold in the third column, so a 3 in the third is due. The very next draw the 733 hits

While this does not give an exact number to play, it is very helpful in keeping the “pulse” of the game on a daily basis as well as assisting with positional playing (exact order).

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By | May 14th, 2009|Numbering Points, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Saturday Setup

Take the number that hit on the Saturday before. For example if today was Tuesday, you would use last Saturdays number, until next Sunday.

From the foundation set, you will notice that 359 hit on Saturday 1/7/06. Take that number and add 1 to each column until you get back to the original number.

It took a week but 804 hit box in the Pick 3 lottery the following Saturday.sat11

It took a week but 804 hit box on the following Saturday.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Saturday Setup, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Overdue Common Pairs

Given the history file, this Pick 3 lottery system did not produce a hit within a respectable time frame. However, if you look at this Pick 3 lottery system close you will notice that it warrants some further research. Unfortunately, this is a heavy system to setup, backtrack and maintain.

The bottom line of this system is to find the 3 most overdue pairs in your pick3 game. Each of the pairs must have a common digit with one another, hence, Common Pairs.

In the example below: 01 03 13 are the most overdue pairs. They are considered common because each of them can be paired up with each other to make a new 3-digit combination. From here you would wheel digits 031 to get your new combinations. Wheeling all three digits would make 24 straight combinations to play including unique and doubles. You can also conserve your money by playing the 7 combinations boxed.

001, 003, 011, 033, 113, 331, 013

This will cover all the unique as well as the doubles numbers.

First – Use a chart like the one below to check off the pairs as they hit.

Next, set up a history of Pick 3 Lottery numbers that hit and simultaneously mark off the pairs that hit. I have also included a column that shows which pairs hit and the number of hits.


After tracking the pairs for a couple of weeks you should be getting close to widdling down the 3 common pairs. In this example we are left with only 01 03 and 13
NOTE: When you are getting close to only a few remaining pairs, start to check for the common numbers.



Now you would play the 7 combinations. 001, 003, 011, 033, 113, 331, 013


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By | May 14th, 2009|Overdue Common Pairs, Uncategorized|4 Comments