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Numbering Points

More of a Pick 3 lottery strategy then a Pick 3 lottery system, numbering points allows you to determine not only the hot and cold numbers, but also keep track of the hot and cold column location for the numbers.

Start by looking at the last 20 numbers that hit in your states Pick 3 Lottery.
1) If the number appears in the first column then give it 3 points
2) If the number appears in the second column then give it 2 points
3) If the number appears in the third column then give it 1 point

Let look at the example below

In the example above you would start by counting up all the times the zero (0) digit hit in the first column. We find that it hit twice (2 times). When a number hits in the first column, its worth 3 points, so you would multiply the 2 hits times 3. (2×3=6). The value of 0 in the first column is 6 points. Pretty easy. Now, do the same for the rest of the numbers in each of the column.

Below is the table showing the results from the history file above.



The digit 3, in terms of value, is a HOT digit scoring 15 points. However it is cold in the third column, so a 3 in the third is due. The very next draw the 733 hits

While this does not give an exact number to play, it is very helpful in keeping the “pulse” of the game on a daily basis as well as assisting with positional playing (exact order).

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By | May 14th, 2009|Numbering Points, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Saturday Setup

Take the number that hit on the Saturday before. For example if today was Tuesday, you would use last Saturdays number, until next Sunday.

From the foundation set, you will notice that 359 hit on Saturday 1/7/06. Take that number and add 1 to each column until you get back to the original number.

It took a week but 804 hit box in the Pick 3 lottery the following Saturday.sat11

It took a week but 804 hit box on the following Saturday.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Saturday Setup, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Overdue Common Pairs

Given the history file, this Pick 3 lottery system did not produce a hit within a respectable time frame. However, if you look at this Pick 3 lottery system close you will notice that it warrants some further research. Unfortunately, this is a heavy system to setup, backtrack and maintain.

The bottom line of this system is to find the 3 most overdue pairs in your pick3 game. Each of the pairs must have a common digit with one another, hence, Common Pairs.

In the example below: 01 03 13 are the most overdue pairs. They are considered common because each of them can be paired up with each other to make a new 3-digit combination. From here you would wheel digits 031 to get your new combinations. Wheeling all three digits would make 24 straight combinations to play including unique and doubles. You can also conserve your money by playing the 7 combinations boxed.

001, 003, 011, 033, 113, 331, 013

This will cover all the unique as well as the doubles numbers.

First – Use a chart like the one below to check off the pairs as they hit.

Next, set up a history of Pick 3 Lottery numbers that hit and simultaneously mark off the pairs that hit. I have also included a column that shows which pairs hit and the number of hits.


After tracking the pairs for a couple of weeks you should be getting close to widdling down the 3 common pairs. In this example we are left with only 01 03 and 13
NOTE: When you are getting close to only a few remaining pairs, start to check for the common numbers.



Now you would play the 7 combinations. 001, 003, 011, 033, 113, 331, 013


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By | May 14th, 2009|Overdue Common Pairs, Uncategorized|4 Comments

TTT w/Missing

This is a variation of the TTT Pick 3 lottery system (TTT) by taking advantage of the missing Pick 3 lottery numbers (those numbers that don’t make it into the TTT setup).

Briefly, as you may recall, the TTT set up is:
1 0 1
9 2 2
8 7 3
The numbers in red represents the last hit. You get the remaining numbers by filling in counterclockwise each position -1 until you run out of room (Explained in detail in Pick 3 Lottery system – TTT Patterns).

The following set is from our example history file.

Creating the TTT

From the history file above, List the Drawn number in the TTT diagonally from top left to bottom right as shown below.

Start subtracting 1 from the digit in the bottom right box. Here the number was 7 so 7-1=6 (Note if any of the numbers are 0 then 0-1=9, just count the 0 as a 10)


Continue subtracting 1 and moving counter clockwise around the TTT filling in the remaining boxes.


Finding the Missing Numbers

Notice that 0,8 and 9 are missing from the TTT above. Combine the numbers to get your Missing pairs.
08, 09, 89
Now combine your drawn numbers (747) with these missing pairs (08, 09, 89) to get a new set of combinations.
708, 709, 789,
408, 409, 489
(Note that if you didn’t have a double number as your drawn number (747), you would have had another set)

Now pull your TTT numbers


Across 745- 346 – 217
Down 732- 441 – 567
Diagonal 747 – 245
Diamond 346 – 316
Corners 374 – 321 – 654 – 671
H Pattern 734 – 234- 564 -764
Half Diamond 742 – 547
Cross 344 -341 – 644 – 641
Capital I 744 – 544 -214 – 714

Take out the repeats, the all 3 consecutive (rare), the doubles, and the 747

Across 745 – 346 – 217
Down 732 – 441 – 567
Diagonal 747 – 245
Diamond 346 – 316
Corners 374 – 321 -654 – 671
H Pattern 734 – 234 – 564 – 764
Half Diamond 742 – 547
Cross 344 – 341 – 644 – 641
Capital I 744 – 544 – 214 – 714

The numbers remaining are:: 745, 346, 217, 732, 245, 316, 374, 671, 764, 742, 341, 641, 214, 714
Again, The Missing Numbers were: 708, 709, 789, 408, 409, 489

Now look at the numbers that followed the 747 and you see we had a hit within 2 days using the TTT and 13 days using the MISSING.


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By | May 14th, 2009|TTT w/Missing, Uncategorized|9 Comments

Doubles on a Budget

This is a great trapping method, meaning you set it up and wait for the Pick 3 lottery numbers to step in to the trap.

Start by tracking the last two weeks of Pick 3 numbers. Within that range of numbers look for how many times pairs repeat. You are looking for a pair set to repeat itself three or more times.

Look at our example data below.

Within this data set the 46 pair came up 3 times. So you would play it as doubles. 664 or 446. You’ll notice that on 1/29 the 464 hit.

A good point to this is that you only have to play a few Pick 3 numbers and sometimes none at all when pairs don’t show three plus times in your data set.

Note that the 93 pair also showed over three times in this set, so you would want to cover that too.

Another idea is to track your front and back pairs for three months and play the hottest of those as doubles.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Doubles on a Budget, Uncategorized|3 Comments

TTT Patterns

In this Pick 3 lottery system you will be making 4 different TTT (Tic-Tac-Toe) tables, named below as Stack 1, Stack 2, Stack 3 and Stack 4.

For the example we used 1/6/2006 508

Pick 3 Stack 1

Start by making a TTT then placing the number in diagonally

Next, continue by subtracting 1 from the bottom right number. 8-1= 7 (Note, if the number is 0, then 0-1= 9, just view the zero as a 10)


Keep going by subtracting another 1 from the 7. 7-1=6


Continue subtracting and placing the numbers in the available boxes.


Pick 3 Stack 2

Now you will just do it again, but this time Add one (1) to each of the numbers. 8+1=9

Continue by adding 1 to the 9. 1+9 = 0 (Just go back to zero (0) if the number exceeds nine(9))


Keep adding 1 until you complete the remaining boxes.


Pick 3 Stack 3

Now create a stack with last night’s number going horizontal

In this stack you will be adding 5 to each of the numbers and placing it over the number you added to.

5+5 = 10 (Just put 0), 0+5= 5, 8+5 = 13 (Just put 3)

In this stack you will be subtracting 3 to each of the numbers and placing it under the number you subtracted from.

5-3 = 2, 0-3 = 7, 8-3 = 5

Pick 3 Stack 4

Finally, Do the same as in Stack 3, except subtract two (2) from the number instead of 3

Now, add up how many times each number comes up in each of the TTT’s and put the totals in the Frequency column. Subtract four 5’s  and four 8’s from the frequency results to get a look at the true frequency.


Grab the hottest numbers, minimum of 4 (Here we have 0,2,3 & 5) and create your sets.

023, 035, 235

While not a perfect match, you will notice that within the next two days the 35 pair showed.

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By | May 14th, 2009|TTT Patterns, Uncategorized|13 Comments

Add 1 & Sub 1

Included simply because you will see this Pick 3 lottery System out there, this method is incredibly simple and very infrequent.

Basically, you will just be adding 1 and subtracting 1 from the last number drawn.

While included in this edition, this Pick 3 system relies on some very odd… odds (no pun). This system takes the number that just hit and adds or subtracts 1 from it.

Here is how this works:

Say the most recent number to HIT was 428

Your numbers would be 528, 438, 429 & 328, 418, 427

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By | May 14th, 2009|Add 1 & Sub 1, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Even Odd Pairs

So what are Even Odd Pairs? They are the Pick 3 lottery 2 digits numbers that are either both even or both odd numbers. Here is a list of all the Even and Odd pairs.


The first thing you want to do is make a chart similar to the one below. Track all the even and odd pairs, including the doubles (marked by a D). What you are looking for is the most overdue Pick 3 pairs or the Pick 3 pairs that have not hit in a while. In the Pick 3 lottery history file below we would ideally want to go back another month. For now, 02 24 28 13 17 pairs are the most due.

The most overdue pair usually tends to come up as an all EVEN or all ODD number.

So if you tracked back far enough and found 02 was the most overdue pair, you would play: 402, 602 and 802 Boxed.

Also, if you are using the doubles method and feel doubles are coming, add in these numbers, 002 and 022 Boxed.

Finally, if neither of the all ODD or all EVEN (doubles or not) have not hit in 4 draws PLAY ALL!!

An example of an all EVEN and all ODD pairs Chart.


Using the example above of the 02 pair. We would have played the 02 as 024, 026 and 028

On 2/17/06 the 02 pair Hit as 402, an All EVEN combination.

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By | May 14th, 2009|Even Odd Pairs, Uncategorized|10 Comments

The Big 4 Sum Groups

The delinquent sums are a quick way to get a few good Pick 3 lottery numbers to play. This is a noted pattern that takes place in Pick 3 lottery and should be tracked regularly.
The following is the SUM chart representing all 120 single and 80 double possible Pick 3 lottery combinations. Sums are the total of all the numbers in a digit added together. (123 = Sum 6) 1+2 =3 +3 = 6


Notice the Green area above. This is the most common group of sums (SUMS 12 to 15) . Now if you only use the non-double numbers you have 10 numbers in each of the 4 groups of sums or 40 numbers. In other words:

The BIG 4 SUM Pick 3 Groups

Pick 3 Big Group 1 – 12 SUM

Pick 3 Big Group 2 – 13 SUM

Pick 3 Big Group 3 – 14 SUM

Pick 3 Big Group 4 – 15 SUM

Now to start with you will have to track the SUMS back. Take a look at chart below. Notice the frequency of hits the Pick 3 Big 4 sum group has represented by the green highlight.

Heres a couple of things to watch for in the Big 4.

Most Due: If you look at the following chart you will notice that the 15 SUMS (Big Group 4) are the most due. When they are cold, most sums will be out for 10 to 15 plays this Group has be out 21 days. While you might be tempted to play the 15 Sum Group, hold off. Look at the frequency pattern when they do come. They tend to hit and then hit again in the next draw or two.

So the idea would be to track this 15 Group SUM until it Hits and then play all 10 number combinations boxed on the next draw and if it does not Hit, then play again the following draw.

HITS: Another idea is to wait for the Green HITs in the Chart below to go out 4+ then play all the Groups. In other words, wait for all of the Big 4 Sum Groups to NOT hit for at least 4 in a row, then play all of them. It will happen about once a month.


Numbers with the 12 SUM
Numbers with the 13 SUM
Numbers with the 14 SUM
Numbers with the 15 SUM

The next day the SUM 15 Hits.

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By | May 14th, 2009|The Big 4 Sum Groups, Uncategorized|10 Comments

Pair System

Another fairly easy Pick 3 lottery system that is also very quick to do.

To start, we will say tonight is 1/24/06 and we are looking for the Pick 3 lottery numbers in FL tomorrow 1/25/06. We start off by selecting our single numbers going back 2 days to 1/22/06 with numbers 086 drawn.

These will be our singles 0,8 and 6. Next we select our pairs by going back 8 draws to 1/16/06 with numbers 046 drawn and make our pairs 04, 06, 46 and combine all our numbers like so:

004 006 046
804 806 846
604 606 646

While not an exact match this time, you can see how close it came with the 634, the 46 pair was definitely one of the pairs to use.

Now if doubles had come out we would have just used 6 combinations instead of the 9.

Finally, you are not locked into the 2-day 8-day rule, however they seem to work the most frequently. You can also look at 1,2 or 3 days back for the singles and 3,4,5,6,7, and 8 days back or the pairs. Maybe track them and see which is hot.

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